Gathering together and sharing in making new memories with old friends or new additions to the family is what the Month of March has been about. Our arrival to our favorite vacation spot brought a tinge of saddness as two good friends, Fred & Gordon went onto heaven since our last trip there. They were mentors to us.
Being able to laugh at ourselves and or see ourselves in our children adds to the adventure. Our newlywedds celebrated their one year anniversary on 3-15. Our grandson touched his toes in the ocean with his father for the first time at two months old.
The children have been doing some physical training while at the ocean (Running). Don loves walking and sometimes he has company in doing so.
Beach days are few and taken advantage of when they occur.
There are twists and turns to life and the question of why??? always is present. Our good friend was plowed down on beach by two loose dogs. Sue is recovering after hip surgery in a hospital. I wonder if the people that own the furry wild ones even realize what occured. Sue's lab sure misses her.
We can see how loneliness brings on thoughts of what if....
But we can also see how Jesus stayed steadfast in carrying out His Father's plans in teaching others of His love.
Know Jesus love you! We thank Him for Family time past, present, & future!